From Ann Arbor
M14 East to 275 South exit Ann Arbor Rd.
turn right onto Ann Arbor Rd.
approx. 2 miles to Lilley, turn right
approx. 1 mile to Main Street, turn left
Fourth building on the right - 345 North Main Street
From Dearborn & Downriver
I-94 West to I-275 North to Ann Arbor Rd.
turn left onto Ann Arbor Rd.
approx. 2 miles to Lilley, turn right
approx. 1 mile to Main Street, turn left
Fourth building on the right - 345 North Main Street
From Southfield, Troy & Royal Oak
I-696 West to I-275 South, exit 6 Mile Rd, turn right
Haggerty Rd. (1st traffic light), turn left
approx. 2 miles. Dead ends at Plymouth Rd, turn right, pass
Mill Street (Plymouth Rd. becomes Main Street)
Fourth building on the right - 345 North Main Street
From Detroit
I-96 West to Newburgh Rd. exit 173A
turn left onto Newburgh Rd.
approx. 1 mile to Plymouth Rd., turn right
follow Plymouth Rd. approx. 2 miles
pass Mill St. (Plymouth Rd. becomes Main Street)
Fourth building on the right - 345 North Main Street